This is ONE of my favorite TWO doggies in the whole world--> BELA! He's got so much spirit! He has a good heart. He is a stinker, but makes up for it with his loving, loyal, excited spirit. He's my chum.

*Amy Marie this picture is for you* This is ONE of my TWO favorite doggies in the whole world. MADDIE! She is silly, expressive, loving, and sweet.
What's your Favorite?
~Plaid~~Pinstripes~~Argyle~{Which one of these lovely patterns is your favorite to bash around in?}
List of the TV Drama series I've watched
* Six Feet Under: 1, 2, 3 seasons = my all time favorite show.* Queer as Folk: 1, 2, 3, 4 (finishing it today) seasons = too many naked boys, but it's a fun emotional show. * Nip/Tuck: 1st season = Extreme drama... everything is for shock value.* The "L" Word: 1st season = not as good as Queer as Folk, but the multitude of naked women is better than a the major sausage party! I'm sorry, but there's something more classy and artistic about a woman's body. * Arrested Development: 1st season = This is a GREAT sitcom/drama/comedy. It's so witty and well written. I am pissed that it was cancelled. It was just so different! So, I watch a lot of shows, but I always rent them and watch them in like a month. I can never watch shows on tv, except for "House MD", because I can't stand scheduling my life around TV shows. Then it becomes too sad.

This is me at age 12. This is my official review of puberty!

Me and Mike Doughty.
Mike Doughty Concert
Super fun concert. Kelly Buchanan is the chick who opened for him.... Not so great. She was okay, but nothing about her style really stood out as distinct. Not to mention that EVERY song was a break up song. I don't like when people just sing about love. There is so much more to life than relationships. no wonder she's been dumped so many times she probably wraps herself completely up in these guys and is crazy possessive. Hopefully she never reads this blog and writes a song about me. I would just fart in her general direction. She was cute though. She had a cute little personality. I'd rather listen to her talk to the crowd than listen to her sing a song about some guy. She sounded a lot like Julianna Hatfield and a bit like Abra Moore. I don't know if ANYONE knows who those singers are. M. Doughty was really great in concert. His voice is so odd and kind of harsh, so it's nice to have a personality and face to put to the voice. It makes it more humanistic to hear his music. He's a lot cuter than I expected him to be. In my mind I put him in the same genre as Douglas Coupland, even though Doug is a writer and artist. They remind me of each other. Similar energies. Or they envoke similar energies. M.Doughty is really funny. He has a lot charisma on stage. It was really fun to listen to him. He made up random songs on stage... that was fun. he dropped his really awesome guitar. The whole crowd came over with a slew of "huuuuuuuuh!". My bro, Justin, got it on video. It looks totally rad. It was a great time. Good family bonding time with my brothers and sister in law. If you are interested in M. Doughty go to www.mikedoughty.com. He has a blog on there too. Good stuff.
10 Most Interesting Facts About My Life:
(Not in any order and they may not be the most interesting... I just might not remember the most interesting ones.)
1- I broke my leg at age 5 when it got caught in bike spokes. My older brother was giving me a piggy back and threatened to bring me to the bull pen at my grandma's farm.
2-I swallowed a penny when I was young while doing backflips on the couch. Why would I put a penny in my mouth and do backflips? I don't have an inkling. My daycare lady had to save my feces for my mom to dig through with a spoon to make sure the penny passed through. Oh the joys of motherhood.3-I used to steal nudie mags from under one of my relatives beds (I won't mention who!) and sell them to the freshman in high school for FAR more than they were worth.
4-In my 12th grade Advanced Placement Chemistry class we were all sitting in a circle studying for our upcoming exam... I was really sick and I sneezed.... Ah.... ah .... CHOOO! And out flies this GIANT loogie ball and lands on my knee. This super GOTH chick shouted, "DUDE, that just flew out her mouth!" Everyone laughed and my teacher got me a kleenex. I was embarrassed.
5-I was pretty young when my parents divorced. I didn't really get it. I thought that since my Dad moved out of the family house he wasn't my Dad anymore. So on his birthday card that year I wrote "Happy Birthday, Rich" instead of Dad. Whoops. I hope that didn't hurt his feelings too much. I'm sure I would have been mortified if I had kids and that happened. Kids have funny brains.
6-In 4th grade I had a sleepover for my birthday party. We watched movies and had tons of fun. Close to bed time I drank a TON of blue raspberry lemonade Koolaid. Unaware of my small bladder I just went right to bed with all of my friends in the room, some sleeping in the bed with me. When we woke up I realized that I turned the bed into a Yellow Lake (and slightly blue lemonade Koolaid scent). I was scared. Kids are mean. SO WHAT DID I DO, you ask... I blamed it on my cat KeeKee. Could KeeKee really pee that much? Eh. My friends didn't know how much that cat could pee. They believed me. My Mom, however, did not. But she didn't rat me out. Thank God!
7-When I was a pubescent adolescent (Hmmm rhymes!) I had pinups of TONS of boys all over my room. But I had a few pictures of Winona Ryder posted as well. Everynight before I went to bed I would smooch the Winona Ryder posters. She was cute and mysterious. I've never totally gotten over my stupid, meaningless crush on Winona Ryder. She stole my heart! (Get it??)
8-In my childhood house the basement was the scariest place ever. Not anymore, but when I was a snot-nosed chitlin it was. I used to run down the stairs as fast as I could and run through the basement to get to whatever it was that I needed. There was this one step that had a gap in it. I swear I always saw a glowing green light coming from there and something scary milling about underneath the stairs. I as afraid that a big slimey green hand would reach out of there and grab my legs and pull me down to his lair. So I used to skip that step. To this day, out of habit, I still skip that step. BUT my Mom doesn't own that house anymore. So I won't be skipping it anytime soon, lest I be arrested for breaking and entering.
9-We were really poor when I as a kid, after the divorce and all. So my Mom picked up cleaning jobs on the side and other odd jobs. For a while she picked up this job where you put these parts together at your house, put them back in the box, and bring them back to this house where they ship them to a company. You get paid a certain amount for each box, I believe. I was only 9 or 10 years old. It's a little hazy. My Mom had my brother and I help her. It was fun for a while, but some of the parts were really hard to snap together. I remember getting blisters on my thumbs and having to go to school with big bandaids on them. We stopped doing those weird jobs after that. (Please, do not think badly about my Momma. She didn't force us to do work like that.... it just happened. I couldn't imagine what farm kids grow up having to do! Driving tractors, milking cows...)
10-I'm running low on remembering the BIG stories. So here are a few little tidbits that should say something about me:
-on numerous occasion I accidentally put my undies on inside out... and the tag sticks far out of my pants.
-I also button my shirts uneven, which is why you rarely see me in button-up shirts
-I'm slightly dyslexic and will type things completely backwards or just write things funny, which is why it's really fun to do computer graphics for a local news station. :)
-My thumbs are double jointed and they are the size of big toes. The target of many school yard jokes.
-My brother used to try and charge me a fee for playing his Nintendo. I used to wake up way earlier then him to play it, but then he'd come out and feel if it was warm and catch me. Punk!
Okay, that's enough for now. Go out and do something crazy! And REMEMBER: Don't drink blue raspberry lemonade before bed!!!
My Favorite Cities
1) Seattle, Washington
2) Christiansted, St. Croix, U.S.V.I.
3) Portland, Oregon
4) San Francisco, California
5) Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
6) St. Paul, Minnesota
Favorite Local Bands that I saw at the Duluth Homegrown Music Festival
1) Black-eyed Snakes: as seen in picture below.2) Jamie Ness3) Moons of Jupiter4) Crew Jones5) Jerree Small6) Little Black Books7) no Wait Wait8) Devil's Flying MachineIt's nice to hear such a powerful, talented music scene up hear in little Duluth, Minnesota.Go to www.chairkickers.com for more insight to Duluth's local music scene. It's a record label that the lead singer from the band "Low" (Duluthians) started. They make sure good local bands get on it. Plus "Low" is an amazing band!

This was my Favorite Band at Duluth Homegrown!
BEST and WORST Reality TV Shows:
BEST: *Super Nanny
*Antique Roadshow
*Wife Swap
*The Real World
*Starting Over
*Average Joe
*Ultimate Love Test (Bad, but scandalously good)
*Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
*Room Raiders
*Extreme Makeover
*The Swan
*American Idol
*Are you Hot?
*Fear Factor
*The Mole
*The Benefactor
*Fantasy Island
*Biggest Loser (TERRIBLE!)
*Ashlee Simpson Show