Sunday, June 26, 2005

My favorite building in Duluth. I think.  Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 11, 2005

This is Douglas Coupland, my favorite author. He wrote such books as "Hey, Nostradamus", "Generation X", "Microserfs", "All Families are Psychotic", "Girlfriend in a coma", and his latest "Eleanor Rigby". He's amazing and I find it uncanny that my boyfriend looks like him.  Posted by Hello

This is a pic of my boyfriend. He looks like my favorite author, Douglas Coupland. Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 02, 2005

This is Chester. My little kitty that I gave up for a adoption. I still love him and miss him. He was a barrel of fun! Somtimes Cuddyly, but mostly playful. He'd come and bite my feet and hurdle over the couch. I miss my little cheeser. Posted by Hello