Would you rather...?
have a migraine or the flu?
missing a finger or missing a toe?
be deaf or blind?
be rich with bad hair or poor with the most beautiful hair?
harry Potter or Series of Unfortunate Events(Lemony Snicket)?
Green tea or white tea?
Coffee or espresso?
barefoot in sandals or socks with sandals?
degree or certificate?
lunch date or dinner date?
plane or train?
kleenex or toilet paper?
sports bra or push up bra?
#1: The Smiths-"Girlfriend in a coma..."#2: Billy Idol-"Rock the cradle of love..."#3: Violent Femmes-"Add it up..."#4: Modern English-"I'll stop the world and melt with you..."#5: Talking Heads-"burning down the house..."

This is a picture I took on my camping trip up the North Shore of Minnesota this last weekend. I love my water bottle so I was taking a picture of it when these kayakers started trapsing through my shot. Perfect timing!

Madame Blueberry--> My acrylic lady. I painted her.

Girls Night Inn. Taking pictures with best buds makes for a fabulous weekend!

My little neice. She is preciously crazy!

Feeling a bit poetic...

Montana Mountain Rain

My favorite building in Duluth. I think.

This is Douglas Coupland, my favorite author. He wrote such books as "Hey, Nostradamus", "Generation X", "Microserfs", "All Families are Psychotic", "Girlfriend in a coma", and his latest "Eleanor Rigby". He's amazing and I find it uncanny that my boyfriend looks like him.

This is a pic of my boyfriend. He looks like my favorite author, Douglas Coupland.

This is Chester. My little kitty that I gave up for a adoption. I still love him and miss him. He was a barrel of fun! Somtimes Cuddyly, but mostly playful. He'd come and bite my feet and hurdle over the couch. I miss my little cheeser.